Jun 6Liked by Wendi Aarons

Brilliant. From someone who worships the Oxford comma.

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Love this, Wendi, and kittens and a winery...where do I send my resume!?

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Jun 6Liked by Wendi Aarons

I particularly hate it when interviewers refer to me in the third person. Too many of those questions and I'll have to go back into therapy.

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Jun 6Liked by Wendi Aarons


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So good! What’s with the deep dives? I give you time you give me $$$.

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Jun 6Liked by Wendi Aarons

Love this one

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Thank you!

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I love this: "punctuation opinions." Hah! Many years ago, I worked as a tech writer at Apple Computer where I was once in a meeting with other writers, a few editors, and members of the production team. For over an hour we discussed--get ready for this--what font should be used for the space between a computer font (indicating code) and regular text that was in Palatino (or something similar). Seriously. It was a heated discussion. God how I love being retired and not giving a--you know.

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You write pitch-perfect HR... Count me in on the kittens and the winery as well! Where do I send my CV? 😂

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In high school, my friend Sam was interviewing for a fast food job and the manager (who'd apparently just been trained on how to interview pimply kids) asked the "what's your weakness" question. Sam's answer: "Hm. Sometimes I can be kind of lazy."

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Hah! My last interview, I made

it through 5 rounds, including a “test project” or homework, before they kindly advised me

they’d gone with someone else. Sooooo, why not have fun with it, right? RIGHT? Riiiiiiiiight. Interviews are harder than the dagum jobs… siiiigh.

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