It's an election year, and we need you more than ever. We need humor and kindness. We need chocolate. Staying out of despair is a challenge. Staying "informed" is a challenge in a media-world that cannot be trusted. We need all the help we can get. Thank you for the tips.

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They may not all be gems, but this one definitely is: “What used to be a laser-like focus is now more of a laser-pointer-entertaining-a-cat-like focus. Shiny light! Shiny light! Shiny light!”

The world is an absolute shitshow right now. Change the channel, rinse your hair, palo santo your house as often as you need. And for the love of Reo Speedwagon, don’t stop writing brilliant and funny humor pieces. Thank you.

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Having been out of the country since 2/14 that coincided with Lent and a decision to give up the socials for it, has been quite a nice palate cleanse from the doom and gloom of daily existence. Especially as a female in the U S of Assholes (apparently looking at Assholes as in Alabama even more so than ever. My 28 year olds not legal people because they were Petri dish babies now?) what a bunch of dipshits. Maybe I should just not come back anytime soon…

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It’s such a battle! Seems like so much bad news now bc there’s so much news. So many outlets. But there’s always been bad news. It was just limited to one news show at 10. Man I wish we could go back to that. Could argue that we need more comedy now…. Right?

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I hope you appreciated the Mike Damone mention.

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YOU KNOW I DID!!! Robert Romanus for evah! Whatever happens, your toes are still tappin'.

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