I don't know about you, but when I had my bopsy, they put me face down on a table and made me dangle the offending body part through a hole in the table. They they raised up the table and stood underneath me to do the bopsy.
I felt like a car at the Jiffy Lube. But colder, and more scared.
Glad you got good news. And thanks for using your platform to encourage others!
So glad your bopsies were all B9. We need all the good news we can get these days. Thank you for sharing your experience. I had a mastectomy about 4 years ago, and I tell all of my women friends to keep getting those annual checkups. Mine had all been fine, and then I missed the annual mammogram in 2020--you know--it was 2020--and when I went for my 2021 checkup, the news came as a shock. Now I go around one-breasted, which doesn't bother me (I'll be 80 this year, so who cares). I'm happy to cancer-free, and yes, I get an annual mammogram. Now here's something maybe someone can explain to me: Since I have only one breast, shouldn't the cost of the mammo be half?
Wendi, it is good to be alive. And I am glad you are alive and well and writing. Thank you.
I went through the same thing — and it was also benign. Every single time they get upset about one boob being larger than the other. This is the result of nursing a baby (actually two in a row) whom I held on my left arm so I could do something with my right. They never quite went back. I’ve never understood why they don’t flip through my chart and get up to speed on this.
The 1950s aka Lubbock called and they’re gonna need that doc back. Wow. A journey in bopsies. Glad after all that you got the all clear.
I did get the squeezing in Molly North America done in January along with the South America gyn exploration and up to date on all screenings and vax for that matter trying to race ahead of brain worm fedejik (a Star Wars insult you’re welcome)
After my biopsy, I've decided that my physicians should have the procedures performed on them that they performed on me. My dentist gives a topical anesthetic before jabbing the long needle in, but not the radiologist. And the bruising lasted for more than 2 months. Glad we are all alive and thriving-ish!
I don't know about you, but when I had my bopsy, they put me face down on a table and made me dangle the offending body part through a hole in the table. They they raised up the table and stood underneath me to do the bopsy.
I felt like a car at the Jiffy Lube. But colder, and more scared.
Glad you got good news. And thanks for using your platform to encourage others!
That is not how mine was, but thank goodness you're okay!
like the song says, waiting is the hardest part! I’m so relieved you’re all clear 🩵🩵
So glad your bopsies were all B9. We need all the good news we can get these days. Thank you for sharing your experience. I had a mastectomy about 4 years ago, and I tell all of my women friends to keep getting those annual checkups. Mine had all been fine, and then I missed the annual mammogram in 2020--you know--it was 2020--and when I went for my 2021 checkup, the news came as a shock. Now I go around one-breasted, which doesn't bother me (I'll be 80 this year, so who cares). I'm happy to cancer-free, and yes, I get an annual mammogram. Now here's something maybe someone can explain to me: Since I have only one breast, shouldn't the cost of the mammo be half?
Wendi, it is good to be alive. And I am glad you are alive and well and writing. Thank you.
I went through the same thing — and it was also benign. Every single time they get upset about one boob being larger than the other. This is the result of nursing a baby (actually two in a row) whom I held on my left arm so I could do something with my right. They never quite went back. I’ve never understood why they don’t flip through my chart and get up to speed on this.
The 1950s aka Lubbock called and they’re gonna need that doc back. Wow. A journey in bopsies. Glad after all that you got the all clear.
I did get the squeezing in Molly North America done in January along with the South America gyn exploration and up to date on all screenings and vax for that matter trying to race ahead of brain worm fedejik (a Star Wars insult you’re welcome)
After my biopsy, I've decided that my physicians should have the procedures performed on them that they performed on me. My dentist gives a topical anesthetic before jabbing the long needle in, but not the radiologist. And the bruising lasted for more than 2 months. Glad we are all alive and thriving-ish!